
Soil structure (properties) 土壤结构(特性)
Soils have four main parts: water, air, minerals and organic matter, their relationships produce a number of properties found in soil which are outlined below.
土壤有四个主要部分:水、空气、矿物质和有机物,它们之间的关系产生了一些在土壤中发现的属性,概述如下 。
Refers to the shape of peds (individual soil particles) and their grouping. The shape of peds, their alignments, along with particle size/texture determines the size and number of pore spaces. Structure can be improved by ploughing.
指的是土壤颗粒的形状和它们的组合 。踏板的形状,它们的排列 , 以及颗粒的大小/质地决定了孔隙的大小和数量 。结构可以通过耕作来改善 。
