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Newfoundland History 纽芬兰历史
Newfoundland Joins Canada (1946-1949) 纽芬兰加入加拿大(1946-1949)
Newfoundland and Confederation (1949) 纽芬兰和联合会(1949)
[This text was publihed in 1950. For the full citation, see the end of the document. [文publihed这在1950年的完整引文 。,看到该文档的末尾 。Parts in brackets [...], links and images have been added to the original text by Claude Bélanger.]括号内的部分[...],链接和图像已被添加到由克劳德贝朗原始文本 。]
[For a history of the negotiations of Newfoundland with Canada , see this site; Mel Baker also discusses this issue at this address; the specific period of 1945 to 1949 is extensively studied by the same author at this site .] Although Newfoundland had become at least temporarily self-supporting again during the War, the United Kingdom Government decided that consideration of constitutional changes should be delayed until after the close of hostilities. In December, 1945, it announced that a National Convention would be elected by the people of Newfoundland to assist them in coming to a "free and informed decision as to their future form of government". [对于与加拿大的纽芬兰谈判的历史,看到这个网站;梅尔贝克还讨论了在这个地址这个问题,1945年的具体期限至1949年,是广泛同一作者的研究在这个网站。]虽然已经成为在纽芬兰至少暂时自给一次又一次的战争中,英国政府决定,修改宪法之前,应考虑敌对行动后关闭延迟 。12月,1945年,它宣布,国民大会将在纽芬兰省人民选举产生协助来作为他们的政府形式“自由和知情的决定他们” 。
The Convention was elected in June, 1946, and its 45 members met in the following September. 该公约是在6月当选,1946年,其45名成员在以下9月份举行 。Its terms of reference were: 其职权是:
To consider and discuss amongst themselves as elected representatives of the Newfoundland people, the changes that have taken place in the financial and economic situation of the Island since 1934 and, bearing in mind the extent to which high revenues of recent years nave been due to wartime conditions, to examine the position of the country and to make recommendations to His Majesty's Government as to possible forms of future government to be put before the people at a national referendum. 审议和讨论他们之间的当选代表,纽芬兰人,这已在岛的金融和经济形势发生1934年以来,考虑到何种程度,近年来高收入天真是由于战争的影响变化条件,审查该国的立场,并以未来政府可能形式的建议,国王陛下政府将在人民面前提出在全国公民投票 。
In May, 1947, a delegation was sent to London to ascertain what financial relations might be expected to exist between the United Kingdom Government and Newfoundland under (a) continuation of Commission of Government as then constituted, (b) a revised form of the Commission, and (c) responsible government. 今年5月,1947年派代表团到伦敦,以确定哪些金融关系可能会存在的根据(一委员会)政府继续与英国政府和纽芬兰作为然后组成,(b)一个委员会经修改的形式,以及(c)负责任的政府 。The reply was that under the first the fiscal and financial relations would remain as then existing and the United Kingdom would continue to be responsible for Newfoundland's financial stability; under the second, the responsibility of the United Kingdom for Newfoundland's financial stability would depend upon the precise form of revision; under responsible government Newfoundland would bear full responsibility for her own finances. 得到的答复是根据第一个财政和金融关系将继续作为当时的和英国将继续为纽芬兰的金融稳定负责;在第二,英国的纽芬兰省的财政稳定的责任,将取决于精确形式修改;负责任的政府,纽芬兰下将承担自己的财政承担全部责任 。
In February, 1947, the National Convention had passed a resolution to send a delegation to Ottawa to ascertain from the Government of Canada "what fair and equitable basis may exist for federal union of Newfoundland and Canada ". 今年2月,1947年,国民大会已通过决议,派遣一个代表团到渥太华的加拿大“什么公平和公正的基础上,政府确定可能存在纽芬兰省和加拿大联邦政府联盟” 。A similar resolution to send a delegation to Washington to ascertain the terms on which union with the United States might be effected, was defeated by a large majority. 一项类似的决议派遣一个代表团前往华盛顿,以确定该条款上与美国联盟可能影响,是一个庞大的多数击败 。
