愿世界是爱而温暖,世界依赖爱,世界是你而温暖,一直走在一起,是一对幸福的路人 。
May the world be warm and loving, the world depends on love, and the world is warm and loving with you We are a pair of happy passers-by
年龄以前的人生由父母给,年龄以后的人生由自己给 。女性只有过着纤细的生活,在思想上也独立,在经济上也独立,才能成为美好的人生
Life before age is given by parents, and life after age is given by oneself Only when women live a slim life, are independent ideologically and economically, can they become a better life
【有趣好玩可爱俏皮的文案?可爱俏皮的文案超可爱短句文案】即使让别人做同样的事情,也能体会到不同的人做了就会改变世界 。因为,我们关心的不是那个人做什么,而是很多时候只是做那个的人 。
Even if you let others do the same thing, you can realize that different people will change the world if they do it Because, what we care about is not what that person does, but often just the person who does it
Your beating voice is the beautiful melody of love Let our Sakurako Kaoru make the most beautiful voice in the world!
我会周游世界,收集最漂亮的星星和花,放在你的梦里,祝你每晚都能微笑着入睡 。
I will travel around the world, collect the most beautiful stars and flowers, and put them in your dreams I wish you can fall asleep with a smile every night
我不用感到幸福,你的梦真的很美吗? 但是枕边的泪水告诉我们,梦的美丽其实比现实更残酷
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