想做的人永远在找方法,不想做的人永远在找理由 。
Those who want to do it are always looking for ways, and those who don't want to do it are always looking for reasons
我厌倦了这样的悲伤,拿着口罩隐藏着快乐 。
I'm tired of this sadness, hiding happiness with a mask
我知道分手后的思念,不叫思念,叫卑鄙 。
I know the missing after the breakup, not missing, but despicable
请减少一些生活中莫名的不愉快 。
Please reduce some inexplicable unhappiness in life
我不需要的东西再好也是垃圾 。
What I don't need is rubbish, no matter how good it is
为了你,我想放弃诗和远方,以后柴米油盐酱醋茶,和你一起把生活变成诗 。
For you, I want to give up poetry and distance, and later use rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea to turn life into poetry with you
世界上最便宜的东西是什么? 就是付出 。一贫如洗的真心和无能为力的温柔 。
What is the cheapest thing in the world? Is giving Poor sincerity and helpless tenderness
生活不如你意,我合你意; 好运不在你身边 。我在你身边 。
Life is not as good as you like, I like you; Good luck is not with you I'm by your side
两面刀的人真可怕 。当面背后顶着,好像精神分裂 。我希望自己不要受到负面影响 。
Two-faced people are terrible Face to face, like schizophrenia I hope I won't be negatively affected
我们有可以一起吃饭的朋友,一起玩的朋友,但总是有这样的人,我只对她说心事 。我最喜欢她 。我是最好的 。
We have friends to eat with and play with, but there is always such a person, and I only tell her what's on my mind I like her best I am the best
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