自然是没有的,因为高级女性具备最基本的人格特质,任何时候都不会说脏话 。
Naturally, there isn't, because senior women have the most basic personality traits and can't swear at any time.
从今以后,早睡早起,按时吃饭,坚持锻炼,相信你的状态会比以前好很多 。
From now on, go to bed early and get up early, eat on time and keep exercising. I believe your condition will be much better than before.
结束错误的关系开辟了新的可能性 。
Ending the wrong relationship opens up new possibilities.
我对他的一切都不再好奇了 。
I'm no longer curious about everything about him.
或许男人表达爱意的方式不是女人想要的,但女人不能因此质疑男人的爱意 。男人有自己独特的表达爱的方式,女人可以通过尝试从不同的角度看待它来发现它 。
Maybe the way men express their love is not what women want, but women can't question men's love. Men have their own unique way of expressing love, and women can find it by trying to look at it from different angles.
当你和一个人在一起时,你应该珍惜它 。
When you are with someone, you should cherish it.
那个时候,你对那个人一点都不好,但你要知道,即使对方不完美,对方也一直在你身边,陪你一日三餐,面对所有一起出现问题 。困难 。
At that time, you were not nice to that person at all, but you should know that even if the other person is not perfect, the other person will always be by your side, accompany you for three meals a day, and face all the problems that arise together. Difficulties.
在你的朋友中,如果有人经常告诉你他们的生活,一些父母的缺点,一些自己的情绪,比如这种比较消极的事情,你可能不太喜欢,但最好不要阻止 。
Among your friends, if someone often tells you about their life, their parents' shortcomings, their own emotions, such as this relatively negative thing, you may not like it very much, but you'd better not stop it.
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