感悟生活的朋友圈治愈说说 , 值得在深夜反复品味,句句宽心!
每当你悲伤的时候 , 你就会把自己想成别人 。当初你如何安慰别人 , 就是现在你如何安慰自己 。
Whenever you are sad, you think of yourself as someone else How you comforted others at the beginning is how you comfort yourself now
你就像黑夜一样 , 带着它的寂静和它的星星
You are like the night, with its silence and its stars
每个人都会累 , 没有人可以为自己承受所有的痛苦 , 总有一天 , 人们必须学会自己成长起来 。在谈论生活和梦想之前 , 你总是要度过生存期 。
Everyone is tired, and no one can bear all the pain for themselves One day, people must learn to grow up by themselves Before you talk about your life and dreams, you always have to spend your life
当你的头发变直时 , 微笑着看到你的脸在微笑
When your hair is straight, smile and see your face smiling
一个我思考了很久的话题终于在今天落下帷幕 , 其实我的心里也是百感交集 , 未来 , 要好好的 。
A topic that I have been thinking about for a long time has finally come to an end today In fact, I have mixed feelings in my heart In the future, I should be good
让大家看到 , 他很强壮 , 没有它也能做得很好 。
Let everyone see that he is strong and can do well without it
隔着千山万水的 , 只有我懒散的身躯 , 却没有我飞去看爱人的心 。
Across Qian Shan, there is only my lazy body, but not my heart to fly to see my lover
你喜欢笑 , 喜欢喝酒 , 不担心花钱 , 你有很多朋友 , 有无数的风流韵事 , 但只有你自己心里清楚 , 你的生活有多糟糕 。
You like to laugh and drink, and you don't worry about spending money You have many friends and countless affairs, but only you know in your heart how bad your life is
以前我的姐姐在前夕和我在一起 , 但她今年不能和我在一起了 。
My sister used to be with me on the eve, but she can't be with me this year
去吧 , 愿你能度过难关 , 一切都会好起来的 。
Go ahead, may you get through the difficulties and everything will be fine
你把我屏蔽在你的朋友圈里 , 我发现你大多屏蔽了你的家人 , 我陷入了深深的反思 , 原来你把我当成了家人 , 你好想法的细节 , 更爱你
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