心里难受到想哭的伤感说说 , 收藏起来备用吧!
我喜欢充满胸部的深刻文字 。那一定是动了心 , 动了心 。字句、情思、根深蒂固 。
I like profound words full of breasts It must be a move, a move Words, feelings and thoughts are deeply rooted
如果才能被懒惰统治 , 那就没什么用了 。
If you can be ruled by laziness, it is useless
如果我不强 , 我会等别人笑 。
If I am not strong, I will wait for others to laugh
请不要不幸 。这个世界上已经有很多人和事情会让你失望 。最糟糕的是 , 自己还在让自己失望 。请记住 。社会很残酷 。请带着温度生活 。
Please don't be unlucky There are already many people and things in this world that will disappoint you Worst of all, I am still letting myself down Please remember Society is cruel Please live with the temperature
在简洁悲伤的空间里说话吧 。所有的人都可以像你一样 , 但永远不是你
Speak in a simple and sad space Everyone can be like you, but never you
世界上最幸福的事 , 就是她在闹 , 你在笑 , 这么温暖的一生 , 平凡而不平凡 。
The happiest thing in the world is that she is making trouble and you are laughing Such a warm life is ordinary and extraordinary
世界的变化 , 岁月无情 , 但你平安 , 平安快乐 , 我的一生充满希望 。
The changes in the world are relentless, but you are safe, safe and happy, and my life is full of hope
得不到的永远是最好的 , 失去的爱情永远难忘 , 失去的人永远铭记在心 。
What you can't get is always the best, lost love will never be forgotten, and lost people will always be remembered
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