在睡眠中,人们致力于放松自己 。而在这个时候,男人们也会放松警惕,紧张的身心得到放松 。
During sleep, people are committed to relaxing themselves. At this time, men will also relax their vigilance and relax their tense body and mind.
这样的女人坏坏在她很有手段,和男人在一起,她不会轻易让一个男人得到她,也不会给一个男人一种她被设定吃的感觉 。
Such a woman is bad because she has means. When she is with men, she will not easily let a man get her, nor will she give a man a feeling that she is set to eat.
他们很乖,他们说话总是充满热情,他们在说每一个字之前都要思考,并且在他们说话之前能够把握住它 。
They are very good. They always speak with enthusiasm. They have to think about every word before they say it, and they can grasp it before they speak.
一个人不可能空出一份才华,没有勇气和毅力,你既要敢想,也要敢做 。
A person can't spare a talent. Without courage and perseverance, you should dare to think and do.
这一生,我们遇见了美丽,也被爱过 。爱情的开始总是很美好,但结局可能配不上开始 。
In this life, we met beauty and were loved. The beginning of love is always beautiful, but the ending may not be worthy of the beginning.
当一个男人对你说“我想你”时,是时候该想想他是真的想你了,还是他只是想用甜言蜜语来赢得你的芳心 。
When a man says "I miss you" to you, it's time to think about whether he really misses you or whether he just wants to win your heart with sweet words.
在感情面前,女人往往比理性更感性,没有女人不喜欢自己的男人,要自己花言巧语取悦自己 。
In front of feelings, women are often more emotional than rationality. No woman doesn't like her men and wants to please herself with her own rhetoric.
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