郭德纲说:坏人习惯了被哄出来 。
Degang Guo said: Bad people are used to being coaxed out.
流年如水 , 太仓促 , 有些故事还没有真正开始就写在昨天;有些人还没好好谈恋爱就成了路人 。
Time flies like water. It's too hasty. Some stories were written yesterday before they really started. Some people become passers-by before they have a good relationship.
岁月摇摇欲坠 , 生活不易 , 那段日子 , 也没有多少委屈 。
The years are crumbling, life is not easy, and there was not much injustice in those days.
口若悬河的人往往有其他目的 。
Verbal people often have other purposes.
见证了太多的不幸 , 觉得婚姻没有那么美好 。
【心情不好的高情商句子?高情商伤感句子摘抄大全_1】Having witnessed too many misfortunes, I feel that marriage is not so beautiful.
他们真的很重要 , 你关心他们也没关系 , 但同时你也不能忘记关心自己 。
They are really important, and it doesn't matter if you care about them, but at the same time, you can't forget to care about yourself.
如果自己的条件不好 , 主动出击就有机会 。
If your condition is not good, you will have a chance to take the initiative.
总有人把跪舔当成深情 , 觉得不管做什么都只是出于爱 , 应该被理解 。
Some people always regard kneeling as affection, and think that whatever they do is just out of love and should be understood.
过分的好 , 容易给对方造成负担 。
Too good, easy to burden each other.
一个人的本性是不容易改变的 。
A person's nature is not easy to change.
无论男女 , 在爱上一个人之后 , 都会想要靠近对方 , 哪怕只有一厘米的距离 , 也会幸福很久 。这种不由自主的做法 , 其实就是一个女人被你撩过的证明 。
Both men and women, after falling in love with someone, will want to be close to each other, even if it is only one centimeter away, they will be happy for a long time. This involuntary practice is actually a proof that a woman has been teased by you.
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