
是你在耳边轻声说话,声音嘶哑 。爱的是你,离开的也是你 。你是那个和我们在一起两年的人,而你是那个现在已经死去的人 。
You are the one who speaks softly in your ear and has a hoarse voice I love you, and I leave you You are the one who has been with us for two years, and you are the one who is now dead
【心情超级不好的说说和图片?心情不太好的图片和说说_1】Through the clouds, I try to rush to you

Do you smell like a fox? No, then why are you as attractive as a fox?
生活不会亏待你 。你所遭受的苦难,你所经历的疲惫,你所掉进的坑,你所走的错路,将使你成为一个成熟而坚韧的人 。
Life will not treat you badly The suffering you have suffered, the fatigue you have experienced, the pit you have fallen into and the wrong path you have taken will make you a mature and tough person

什么是爱情中的甜蜜?你永远不会厌倦地看着对方 。即使我们争吵,即使我们被冒犯,但如果我们认为你是,我们就准备好了 。
What is the sweetness in love? You never get tired of looking at each other Even if we argue, even if we are offended, if we think you are, we are ready
如果我喝了你的爱之酒,却没有人给我添酒,我宁愿在余下的日子里干渴 。
If I drink the wine of your love, but no one gives me more wine, I would rather be thirsty for the rest of my life

我对遇见你的概率有多小不感兴趣,我只想把失去你的概率设为零 。
I'm not interested in the probability of meeting you I just want to set the probability of losing you to zero
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