表达失望心寒的句子 , 人见人爱!
I'm not good, it's your fault, and I'm good only for you!

只有不避免痛苦和迷茫的人 , 才有资格谈论乐观和坚定 。命运不善待任何人 , 悲喜也不仅仅是为你准备的 。
Only those who do not avoid pain and confusion are qualified to talk about optimism and firmness Fate doesn't treat anyone kindly, and joys and sorrows are not just for you
我想打扰你 , 但我没有话题和勇气 。
I want to disturb you, but I have no topic or courage

晚上用呼吸点燃星星 。
Light the stars with your breath at night
我这个人其实很害羞 , 不相信你会吻我
I am actually very shy I don't believe you will kiss me

人生就像一块表 , 可以回到起点 , 但已经不是昨天了!
Life is like a watch, you can go back to the starting point, but it is not yesterday!
我不知道我为什么爱你 。好像不能说明空气是什么味道 , 但我需要你好像是我需要空气 。
I don't know why I love you It doesn't seem to explain what air tastes like, but I need you as if I need air

【形容对某人心寒和失望的句子?描述对人心失望的一句话】信息垫底的话 , 我不想说话 。我不找话题 。如果你不想我 , 就不维持我 。感情左右的废弃物快要消失了
I don't want to talk if the information is at the bottom I don't look for topics If you don't want me, don't support me The left and right emotional wastes are about to disappear
载着自己迷茫地徘徊在心底的角落 。
Carrying yourself wandering in the corner of my heart in confusion

今天有点不开心 , 不是你的错 , 不道歉吗?
It's not your fault that I'm a little unhappy today Don't you apologize?
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