Safety 和 Security 的区别 security是什么意思
Safety和Security都可以表现安全,但在应用时须要注意两者的差别,不能搞混 。下面是维基百科的英文说明:Safetyisthestateofbeing"safe",theconditionofbeingprotectedfromharmorothernon-desirableoutcomes

Safety和Security都可以表现安全,但在应用时须要注意两者的差别,不能搞混 。
- Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk.
- Security is freedom from or resilience against potential harm 资源网(or other unwanted coercive change) caused by others. Benefic资源网iaries (technically referents) of security may be of persons and social groups, objects and institutions, ecosystems or any other entity or phenomenon vulnerable to unwanted change.

下面几个例子可以赞助懂得 Safety 和 Security 的差别 。
- data safety:针对的是数据丧失,重要研讨备份与恢复;
- data security:针对的是数据泄密,重要研讨加密与解密 。
- food safety:关注食品品德、质量;
- food security:关注食品供给是否充分、稳固 。
- nuclear safety:重要斟酌核设施内部的物项失效、自然灾祸及内外部的人为失误,采用针对性的工程安资源网全和管理办法;
- nuclear security:重要针对恐惧主义或犯法团伙对核设施、核材质的攻击、损坏和偷盗等,采用相应的防备办法 。
