
上帝不可能无处不在,所以他创造了母亲 。
God can't be everywhere, so he created mother
想和星河交朋友,偷月亮 。
Want to make friends with the Milky Way and steal the moon

你已经尽了最大努力把我带到一个更好的地方 。
You have done your best to bring me to a better place
当我感到不吉利时,我想:是我的坏运气在挥舞,挥舞之后就只剩下运气了!这就是我的运气 。
When I feel unlucky, I think: it's my bad luck waving, and after waving, there's only luck left! This is my luck

有趣的是,伤害你最深的人往往是那些声称他们永远不会伤害你的人 。
Interestingly, the people who hurt you the most are those who claim that they will never hurt you
"请不要再告诉我那些没有意义的漂亮东西了 。"
"Please don't tell me those meaningless beautiful things again"

"一些小的好事按好的顺序发生" 。
"Some small good things happen in a good order"
最近有传言说我喜欢你,我想说明这是真的 。
Recently, there are rumors that I like you I want to explain that this is true

走在穿高跟鞋不能走的路上,遇到在办公楼里不能遇到的人 。
Walking on the road where you can't walk in high heels, you meet people you can't meet in the office building
有目标的人懂得感恩,他们知道努力工作是一种生活态度;没有目标的人则会抱怨,总觉得世界欠他们什么 。
People with goals know how to be grateful They know that hard work is an attitude towards life People who have no goals will complain and always feel that the world owes them something
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