在错误的时间遇到错误的人是一个悲剧 。
It is a tragedy to meet the wrong person at the wrong time
我想成为一个坚强的人,至少我在被抛弃时不会受伤 。
I want to be a strong person, at least I won't get hurt when I am abandoned
想哭就哭吧,别憋着,你又不是雨伞 。
Just cry if you want, don't hold it back, you're not an umbrella
青春就像烟花,美丽得令人窒息,但也短暂得让人泪流满面 。
Youth is like fireworks It's breathtaking in beauty, but it's short enough to make people burst into tears
生活中最糟糕的事情不是失去你所爱的人,而是因为你太爱一个人而失去自己 。
The worst thing in life is not to lose someone you love, but to lose yourself because you love someone too much
我赢了两亿,一个是失忆,一个是回忆 。
I won million, one is amnesia and the other is memory
今后,不要哭泣,不要等待,不要在孤独时数落自己的痛苦 。
In the future, don't cry, don't wait, and don't criticize your pain when you are lonely
我已经抹去了我生命中所有关于你的痕迹,除了对你的记忆 。
I have erased all traces of you in my life, except the memory of you
所有美好的东西最终都是过眼云烟,而留在眼中的都是痛苦绽放后的灰烬 。
All good things are finally gone, but what remains in the eyes is the ashes after the pain blooms
我们一起遇到问题,一起去政治局,一起打架,一起逃学 。很多很多次在一起,明年他们将各奔东西 。
We met problems together, went to the Politburo together, fought together, and played truant together Many times together, they will go their separate ways next year
她只是一个小女孩,过早地承担了太多的事情 。
She's just a little girl, taking on too many things too early
连我自己都忘了,在我盛气凌人的笑容背后,还有一张水灵灵的脸 。
【暖心治愈的个性签名?温柔到爆的个性签名】I even forgot myself that behind my domineering smile, there is a watery face
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