在人生的道路上 , 不是每一次相遇都有结局 。
On the road of life, not every encounter has an ending.
Why did he become less enthusiastic after being together?
你只需要知道 , 真正爱你的人 , 总是有耐心去填写细节 , 哪怕是聊天这样的日常小事 , 也能让你感受到被爱 。
You just need to know that people who really love you always have the patience to fill in the details, even everyday things like chatting can make you feel loved.
其实生活中有很多烦恼 , 不是来自外界 , 而是因为你活得太认真了 , 所以你觉得每个人都让你不满意 。
In fact, there are many troubles in life, not from outside, but because you live too seriously, so you feel that everyone makes you dissatisfied.
在对方的身上 , 你能感受到最初被诱惑的快感 , 互相关心的温暖 , 互相认可的安心 。
In each other's body, you can feel the pleasure of being tempted at first, the warmth of mutual concern and the peace of mind of mutual recognition.
在机场等船 , 你根本不会等 。如果人是错的 , 再怎么努力也只会徒劳无功 。
Waiting for a boat at the airport, you can't wait at all. If people are wrong, no matter how hard you try, it will only be in vain.
感情世界没有以前那么纯洁美好了 。玩感情的人越来越多 , 但人们真正追求的真感情却越来越少 。
The world is not as pure and beautiful as before. There are more and more people playing with feelings, but the real feelings that people really pursue are less and less.
一个男人爱你 。当他看到你的时候 , 他的眼睛会发光 , 变得温柔 。这种光和温柔 , 除了你 , 没人看得见 。
A man loves you. When he sees you, his eyes will shine and become gentle. This kind of light and tenderness, no one can see it except you.
【有深度有品味的句子发朋友圈?发朋友圈有深度的句子,句句精辟!】男人找情人 , 看起来真的很难理解 , 但仔细想想 , 也不难理解 。
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