【有关中秋节的英语句子三句?有关中秋节的英语句子简单_2】有关中秋节的英语句子:Wish us a long life to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even thousands miles apart.但愿人长久 , 千里共婵娟 。A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry mid-autumn day and a happy life.皓月闪烁 , 星光闪耀 , 中秋佳节 , 美满快乐!
An inter-mining Mingyue for your viewing,weave a cool autumn you covered,as appropriate pieces of glass Moon Palace drunken your heart,and do a blessing Zhong Yuan your dreams.采一轮松间明月供你观赏 , 织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上 , 斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上 , 做一份仲秋的祝福圆你梦乡 。
Regardless of the day, the sea and the north, whether gathering or leaving, there is a blessing hanging in my heart forever. I wish you every success and good luck!无论天南海北 , 不论相聚与离别 , 有份祝福永远挂在我心中 , 祝你一切圆满美好!
Mid-Autumn Festival every year to the full moon, the full moon is the most Acacia. I wish the Mid-Autumn Festival a happy family reunion! 年年中秋待月圆 , 月圆最是相思时 。祝中秋佳节 , 全家团圆美满!
扩展资料:中秋节的起源 。中秋起源有多种说法 , 一说是起源于古代帝王的祭祀活动 , 古代帝王祭月、拜月 , 贵族官吏和文人学士也相继仿效 , 逐渐传到民间的百姓中 。一说和农业生产有关 , 秋天是农业秋收的季节 , 农民为了庆祝丰收的喜悦之情 , 就把这一天定为庆祝的节日 。
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