也有很多时候 , 你给你认定的闺蜜买礼物送人情 , 轮到你有事 , 人家却不打招呼 。

There are also many times when you buy gifts for your identified girlfriends, and when it's your turn to do something, people don't say hello.
我见过一些热心肠、热心肠的人 。为了融入周围的环境 , 我对每个人都很热情 。
I have met some warm-hearted people. In order to blend in with the surrounding environment, I am enthusiastic about everyone.

【文案句子人生哲理?生活感悟文案100句短句_1】有人觉得一辈子不结婚好像也无所谓 , 也有人觉得不行 。
Some people think it doesn't matter if they don't get married all their lives, while others think it won't work.
所谓朋友 , 从来不是两个人相识 , 就是朋友 。

The so-called friend, never two people know each other, is a friend.
在爱情的道路上 , 人或多或少都要经历一些失败 。
On the road of love, people will experience some failures more or less.

选择后者 , 也许人生还是苦的 , 但因为有一个好的心态 , 你会从绝望中看到希望 。
Choose the latter, maybe life is still bitter, but because of a good attitude, you will see hope from despair.
没有感情 , 没人管谁 。

No feelings, no one cares who.
以前大家都是电话联系 , 现在有了微信 , 表达相思之情就方便多了 。
We used to contact each other by phone. Now with WeChat, it is much more convenient to express our love for you.

这样的男人 , 当他的性格比较有安全感的时候 , 他的本性就会很好 。和他在一起 , 不管是现在还是以后 , 他都不会做出太出格的事情 , 更不会因为他而太伤害你 。
Such a man, when his character is more secure, his nature will be very good. With him, no matter now or in the future, he won't do anything too outrageous, let alone hurt you too much because of him.
如果我们能从一开始就拒绝和对方接触 , 直接切断自己的想法 , 不再给对方靠近的机会 , 那么我们自然可以避免一些不该发生的事情 。
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