思考改变人们生活方式的旅程,思考改变他们旅程的人 。
Think about the journey that changes people's lifestyle, and think about the people who change their journey
爱你是我做过的最好的事情 。
Love is the best thing I've ever done
放手不是不爱,而是要把爱留在心里 。
It's not letting go of love, but keeping love in your heart
如果你不能感同身受,就不要愤世嫉俗 。
If you can't empathize, don't be cynical
努力管理现在,直到你能看到未来 。
Try to manage the present until you can see the future
当你悲伤的时候,天空可以给你平静 。但是有太多的悲伤,没有足够的天空 。
When you are sad, the sky can give you peace But there is too much sadness and not enough sky
生命力在于奋斗,而世界本身就是一个舞台 。
Vitality lies in struggle, and the world itself is a stage
转过身来,用你的余生来忘记 。
Turn around and spend the rest of your life forgetting
没有波浪,没有船只,大海只属于自己 。
There are no waves, no boats, and the sea only belongs to oneself
在生活中,有许多事情我们认为自己做不到,而不是说我们做不到 。
There are many things in life that we think we can't do, not that we can't
我们的脚下还有很长的路要走,为了生活,我们必须下定决心走下去 。
There is still a long way to go before our feet In order to live, we must make up our minds to go on
我记得我们都很年轻的时候,但现在我们都是成年人了 。我们已经分开了这么久,习惯已经不再是习惯了,我们终于不再考虑对方了 。
【感人的句子发朋友圈?让朋友圈触动人心的句子_1】I remember when we were all young, but now we are all adults We have been separated for so long that habits are no longer habits, and we finally stop thinking about each other
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