幼儿园老师教育格言 经典语录?幼儿老师工作格言
以教师为友 , 以德高为范 , 以学生为友 , 以身体为师 , 以学校为家 , 以政治和勤奋为先 。
Take teachers as friends, morality as a model, students asfriends, body as a teacher, school as home, politics and diligence asthe first.
呵护童心 , 欣赏童趣 。
【幼儿园老师教育格言 经典语录?幼儿老师工作格言】Protect childlike innocence, appreciate tong Qu.
孩子们 , 老师和你们一起成长!
Children, teachers grow up with you!
鸟儿展翅看大鸟 , 学生靠老师成长 。
The birds spread their wings to see the big birds, the studentsdepend on the teacher to grow.
愚蠢的老师只能教真理 , 聪明的老师应该教学生发现真理 。
A foolish teacher can only teach truth; a wise teacher shouldteach his students to discover truth.
用爱浇灌 , 用心耕耘 , 我承担的是一种责任 , 我收获的是一种信任 。
Watering with love, hard work, I assume a responsibility, Iharvest is a kind of trust.
当老师 , 全心全意教学生 。
Be a teacher and teach students with all your heart.
用我的爱培养孩子的心 , 用我的微笑 , 陪伴孩子的童年 。
Cultivate children's heart with my love, with my smile, accompanychildren's childhood.
这只鸟在幸福和自信的支撑下 , 从这里起飞了 。
The bird took off from here, buoyed by happiness and confidence.
生命在于成长 , 我们愿意和孩子一起成长 。
Life is about growing up, and we are willing to grow up with ourchildren.
做孩子的老师 , 先做孩子的朋友 。
Be your child's teacher, be your child's friend first.
仰望星空 , 有一种爱的方式 。
Looking up at the stars, there is a way of love.
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