你无法判断你是否健康,但每个人都可以判断你是否肥胖 。
You can't tell if you are healthy, but everyone can tell if you are obese
作为学生,我最喜欢的一个时刻是,我在课堂上睡着了,突然听到老师叫你的名字,先抬起头来 。

As a student, one of my favorite moments is that I fell asleep in class and suddenly heard the teacher calling your name, so I looked up first
我宁愿奔跑着被折腾无数次,也不愿意在余生中规规矩矩地走路,跌倒时也要大胆地笑 。
I would rather run and be tossed countless times than walk in a proper way for the rest of my life, and laugh boldly when I fall
我无时无刻不在想你,即使在睡觉时也不会停止 。

【感悟爱情的经典句子,句句动人心弦?爱情的精辟句子】I think about you all the time, even in my sleep
过去是用来回忆的,不是用来感伤或欺骗的;人活着不是为了生气 。
The past is used to remember, not to be sentimental or deceptive; People don't live to be angry
断翅的蝴蝶埋在诗和画里,埋伏的孤韵,光洁的花盏,弦动的古筝,五行的诗句,等着我去想念你 。

Butterflies with broken wings are buried in poems and paintings, and the lonely rhyme of ambush, the bright and clean flower lamps, the string-moving guzheng, and the verses of five elements are waiting for me to miss you
Are you desperate to hurt me because you decided I wouldn't leave you?

What's the point of suffering now for a better future?
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