他迫不及待地想让人看到他对你的依赖,让你事事依赖他 。

He can't wait to let people see his dependence on you and make you depend on him for everything.
而在这个过程中,我们自然会对其他人,以及其他人的生活有一些自己的看法 。
In this process, we will naturally have some opinions about other people and other people's lives.

一颗心是如此之大,以至于当它被坏事填满时,它就不能被好事填满 。然后负面情绪被无限放大,整个人变得神经质 。
A heart is so big that when it is filled with bad things, it cannot be filled with good things. Then negative emotions are infinitely magnified, and the whole person becomes neurotic.
你唯一得到的回报是几句没心没肺的感谢的话 。

The only thing you get in return is a few heartless words of thanks.
当你偶尔对她生气时,她会表现得很反感,说你对她不够好 。
When you are angry with her occasionally, she will show disgust and say that you are not good enough to her.

如果你是真正的智者,你必须把心放在自己身上,嘲笑那些不太重要的人和完全不重要的事 。
If you are really a wise man, you must put your heart on yourself and laugh at people who are not important and things that are not important at all.
敷衍了事的忽视会在一个人的心上刻下伤痕,久而久之,人就不想再坚持下去了 。

Careless neglect will scar a person's heart, and over time, people will not want to stick to it.
因为有时候,因为他是朋友,这可能不是他的真实情况,这可能只是他想让你看到的情况 。
Sometimes, because he is a friend, this may not be his real situation, it may just be what he wants you to see.

不敢和这个人说话,只是站在他身后,深情地看着 。
【发朋友圈最干净的句子?朋友圈干净气质短句让人一看就点赞的句子】Dare not talk to this person, just stand behind him and look at him affectionately.
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