Fold the paper into a heart shape and fold the heart shape into a boat shape The heart is fragile, and the paper boat is unsafe
当我不能再离开你时,你已经离开了我 。
When I can't leave you again, you have left me
When the players have left, who will care about the chess relics outside the world of mortals?
对付女人唯一需要的词是:美行不买肥我的错 。
The only word needed to deal with women is: it's my fault that Meihang doesn't buy fat
我不会问,不会提,当我伤心的时候,当我的心痛的时候,我会继续独自行走,用沉默代替一切 。
I won't ask, I won't mention, when I am sad, when my heart hurts, I will continue to walk alone and replace everything with silence
无论是一见钟情还是一见钟情,我从看到你的第一眼就喜欢上了你 。
Whether it is love at first sight or love at first sight, I fell in love with you from the first moment I saw you
我们听过无数的真理,但我们仍然不能很好地过这种生活 。--韩寒
We have heard countless truths, but we still can't live this life well -Han Han
有些歌曲你会听腻了 。有些事情,当你谈论它们时,你会忘记 。有一些伤口,你一想到就会哭 。有些人一走就散,一走就散 。
You will get tired of listening to some songs Some things, when you talk about them, you will forget There are some wounds, and you will cry at the thought of them Some people leave as soon as they leave, and leave as soon as they leave
【坚强到令人心疼的短句哭了?让人心痛伤感的句子,句句悲伤!】天堂里有十点温柔,上帝对世界的爱有八点,你是一个湖,本身就是温柔的 。
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