两个真心相爱的人,早已深深沉浸在那份真爱中,因为爱得如此深,以至于连吻都变得无法控制 。
Two people who really love each other are already deeply immersed in that true love, because they love each other so deeply that even the kiss becomes uncontrollable.

这样的人一起工作,互相合作 。未来的日子不会那么糟糕,但会比你一个人的时候好得多 。他们赶上了,觉得这些年是值得的 。
Such people work together and cooperate with each other. The future will not be so bad, but it will be much better than when you are alone. They caught up and felt that these years were worth it.

Pretending to accidentally send a message, open the topic.
【写一句自己的座右铭?适合成为座右铭的句子_1】人生如修行,过去的经历其实就是我们的功课 。
Life is like spiritual practice. Past experience is actually our homework.

同时,你也会开始感觉对自己的生活有的控制权,而不是总是感到不知所措 。
At the same time, you will also begin to feel more control over your life, instead of always feeling overwhelmed.
然而,爱的道路很少是平坦的 。从柴米油盐到打架,有很多事情可以扼杀我们最初的热情 。

However, the road of love is seldom smooth. From daily necessities to fighting, there are many things that can kill our initial enthusiasm.
真正好的关系,永远离不开陪伴,是生活上的真正陪伴,精神上的相互扶持 。
A good relationship can never be separated from companionship, which is the real companionship in life and mutual support in spirit.

当你第一次进入时间的时候,面对各种不如意的生活,你难免会惊慌失措 。
When you enter the time for the first time, you will inevitably panic in the face of all kinds of unpleasant life.
现在,你可能会认为对方很忙、害羞、难相处,但实际上,没有别的原因,就是他不喜欢你 。
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