喜爱和讨厌是完全不同的 , 喜欢是即使他表面上对你不理不理 , 但实际上关于你的一切 , 他都知道 。
Love and hate are completely different. Like is that even if he ignores you on the surface, he knows everything about you.
假如他们还是选择留在你身边 , 一直激励着你 , 那代表他们觉得你比金银财宝更珍贵 。
If they still choose to stay with you and inspire you all the time, it means they think you are more precious than gold and silver.
假如你没有做好这些准备 , 而你对他的爱还没有超过这一点 , 那么最好不要选择原谅 。
If you are not ready for this and your love for him has not exceeded this, it is best not to choose forgiveness.
这类人通常都有两种情况 , 一种是一时冲动、激情犯错误;另一种是移情别恋 , 并真正爱别人 。
There are usually two kinds of situations for such people. One is to make mistakes on impulse and passion; The other is empathy, not love, and really love others.
那些纠缠着你的低气压 , 会在一段慢下来的日子里慢慢消散 , 有什麽烦恼、什么压力 , 也会逐渐消失 。
The low pressure that haunts you will dissipate slowly in a period of slowing down, and any trouble and pressure will gradually disappear.
丈夫跟我认识的时候 , 他就是这样的 , 我们一起做实验 , 他经常来我的实验桌子上捣乱 , 或者说我怎么还没成功 。
When my husband met me, he was like this. We did experiments together. He often came to my experimental table to make trouble, or why I didn't succeed.
多数时候 , 女性抱怨自己对男人不满意 , 而不直接告诉男人为什么生气 。
Most of the time, women complain that they are dissatisfied with men and don't directly tell men why they are angry.
人自己尚不能做到完全真诚 , 又怎能指望别人全心全意 。只是 , 人们一直在寻找真正了解自己的人 , 不管是爱情 , 还是友情 。
If one cannot be completely sincere, how can one expect others to be wholehearted. However, people have been looking for people who really know themselves, whether it's love or friendship.
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