The promise once sworn has now become a sad thing that is not worth saying
Too enthusiastic, always not cherished, this is the truth!
谁是谁生命的旅人,谁是谁生命的转轮,前世的尘土,人间的风,无限悲伤的精魂 。
Who is the traveler of whose life, who is the wheel of whose life, the dust of previous life, the wind of the world, the spirit of infinite sadness
你笑的时候,雷声温柔,暴雨安静 。
【人生最富有哲理最经典的说说?非常经典的哲理说说】When you laugh, the thunder is gentle and the rainstorm is quiet
帮别人的事就忘了,别人为自己做的事总是记得,即使这个人只有一次是好人,他也是帮助过你的人 。
Forget about helping others, and always remember what others have done for themselves Even if this person is a good person only once, he has helped you
有时候,我们会错过做不好的事 。我们不会失去时间 。我们会失去自我 。
Sometimes, we will miss out on what we can't do well We won't lose time We will lose ourselves
喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记,生活其实就这么简单 。
Fight for what you like, cherish what you get, and forget what you miss Life is as simple as that
慢慢来吧 。我相信总是有邂逅,就是互相享受,共同成长 。是隔着广大的人群带着温柔赶来的 。
Take your time I believe that there will always be encounters, that is, mutual enjoyment and common growth I came here with tenderness through the vast crowd
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