【#我的冬奥故事# 一起上冰雪:李剑叶-我心飞扬】在今天的冬奥系列人物报道《一起上冰雪》中 , CGTN为您带来北京冬奥会火炬外观形象设计师李剑叶的故事 。他的团队将火炬命名为“飞扬” , 寓意激情飞扬的冬奥精神 , 也承载了人们对未来的美好期待 。In CGTNs "the Game Makers," we profile a group of people who make tremendous contributions to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games or show a great passion for winter sport. In this episode, we tell the story of Li Jianye, the designer of the Olympic torch. To show the Winter Olympic spirit, his team decided to name the torch "Flying."
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