Mountain Where Tang Poems Bloom
In as early as the Tang Dynasty, Mt. Tiantai already enjoyed an established fame for its holy mystery and epic beauty as well as its rich cultural connotation. In the eye of the romanticists at that time, the mist-wrapped mountaintop was the Elysium.
Among the mountain’s admirers were many poets who set off from Chang’an, the capital city of Tang, on a long journey that took them to Yangzhou and many places along the Grand Canal and eventually into the mountainous vistas of the Tiantai area. The route is romanticized by cultural scholars today as the “Road of Tang Poetry”.
【天台山为何成为唐代诗人的“诗和远方”】The long list of Mt. Tiantai’s fans during the Tang Dynasty includes Li Bai, Meng Haoran, Jia Dao, Zhou He, etc. There were also lesser-known names such as Xu Ning, Chen Guayan, Liu Changqing, Cao Tang, just to name a few. Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, never got a chance to actually visit the mountain, but he released his yearning for the wonderland by extolling the gorgeous scenery out of his imagination. The mountain’s religious elements are also mentioned a lot in the Tang poems.
In one of his poems, Meng Haoran ranked the Huading Peak of Mt. Tiantai as the finest in the natural landscapes of the Jiangnan regions. Li Ying, a late Tang poet, had no mood for understatement in his Revisiting Tiantai. “The mountains and rivers in Tiantai are second to none,” he concluded.
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