恒星英语学习网|“住酒店”别说live in hotel,这是错的!
北京联盟_本文原题:“住酒店”别说live in hotel , 这是错的!
“住”的英文是【恒星英语学习网|“住酒店”别说live in hotel,这是错的!】live和stay 。
区别是长住、定居用live , 比如I live in Beijing with my parents. 我和我爸妈住在北京 。
短期住是stay , 旅游、出差时临时住一下酒店属于短期的住 , 就要用stay , stay at a hotel 。
stay vs. live
" Stay" only means "remain" or "continue like it is now"
In the context of a home/house/lodging, if you are stayingsomewhere, that is temporary. You do not own the place you are staying at.
在“居家旅行”的语境中 , 如果你stay在某个地方 , 那是暂时的 。 你住的地方不是你的 。
比如说 ,
"I'm staying at this hotel for five nights."
我要在这家酒店住五个晚上 。
"I'm staying at a friend's house until I find an apartment."
我在找到公寓之前住在一个朋友家 。
If you are " living" somewhere, that is permanent or somewhat permanent. You might own the place you live in, or you might be there for a significant period of time.
如果你living在某个地方 , 那就是永久的或者某种程度上永久的 。 你可能拥有你所居住的地方 , 或者你可能在那里待了很长一段时间 。
比如说 ,
"I live in North America."
我住在北美 。
"I live in a mountain cabin."
我住在山上的小木屋里 。
You know how expensive if I'm to live in a hotel.
你知道长期住酒店是很贵的 。
She doesn't remember what hotel she's staying at.
她不记得住的酒店了 。
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