我贪婪地想给你世界的色彩 , 但你却喜欢上了太阳的暖和 。
I greedily want to give you the color of the world, but you like the warmth of the sun.
每一个远方的游子都知道 , 以前认为走不出的地方 , 现在都成了梦里回不去的地方 。
Every traveler from afar knows that the place that you thought you can"t get out of is now a place that you can"t go back to in your dream.
小时候想要一场远方的旅行 , 长大后才发现 , 世界上最远的旅行 , 是你心里 。
When I was a child, I wanted to travel far away, but when I grew up, I found that the farthest journey in the world is in your heart.
人生如戏 , 曾经心动过的你 , 到最后 , 也只不过是我生命中的一个过客而已 。
Life is like a play, once you were moved, in the end, you are just a passer-by in my life.
人生之中 , 有你在意的人 , 当然也有在意你的人 。 假如 , 我是说假如 , 假如你在意的人 , 只在意你的好 , 就请你 , 把你的好分一点给在意你的人……
In life, there are people you care about, and of course there are people who care about you. If, I mean, if, if the people you care about only care about your good, please, give some of your good to the people who care about you.
眼睛在下雨 , 而心却为她打着伞 , 或许 , 这就是爱情吧 , 纵然肉痛 , 也要盼你心动 。
Eyes are raining, but the heart is holding an umbrella for her, perhaps, this is love, even if heartache, also want to look forward to your heart.
每一次的彻夜不眠 , 都是深夜里孤单灵魂的无处安放 , 害怕着梦里梦外的心事 , 都成了你……
Every time I stay up all night, there is no place to put my lonely soul in the middle of the night. I am afraid of what"s on my mind in and out of my dream.
「千言」别看着我的眼睛 , 我眼睛里藏不住东西 , 尤其是对你的爱意
「千言」我对你的思念 , 在雨里、在风里、在那清淡的日日夜夜里
「千言」或许我们都是陌生人 , 但总有一条一起吹过晚风的街
「千言」原来 , 每一个自尊的人 , 都曾自以为是的做着自己
【鹭岛风情|「千言」人生之中,有你在意的人,当然也有在意你的人】想了解更多精彩内容 , 快来关注诗词千言
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