桃李知新|什么是墨菲定律?( 二 )
愚蠢是不可避免的 , 因为愚蠢太富有创造力了 。
Nothing is as easy as it looks
没什么事情像看上去一样简单 。
Everything takes longer than you think
Whenever you set out to do something , something else must be done first
每当你准备做什么的时候 , 总有些别的事你得先做了 。
Every solution breeds new problems
每个解决办法都会衍生出新的问题 。
The legibility of a copy is inversely proportional to its importance
文件的可读性和它的重要性是成反比的 。
The chance of the buttered side of the bread falling face down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet
面包往下掉的时候 , 抹了奶油一面冲下的概率和地毯的价值成正比 。
You will always find something in the last place you look
东西总是在你最后去找的地方被发现 。
Left to themselves , things tend to go from bad to worse
听之任之的话 , 事情一般不会向好的方向发展 。
After you bought a replacement for something you've lost and searched for everywhere , you'll find the original
在你丢了东西到处找不到并买了新的后 , 你就会找回原来丢了的那样 。
The other line always moves faster
你旁边的车道总是比你这条走得快些 。
When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman , it will work perfectly
每次演示给修理工看电器如何不正常运作时 , 它都干得挺好 。
Build a system that even a fool can use , and only a fool will use it
建立一个连傻瓜都会用的系统的话 , 一般只有傻瓜才会去用 。
Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that will not work
每个人都有套没法运作的致富计划 。
In any hierarchy , each individual rises to his own level of incompetence , and then remains there
在任何等级制度中 , 每个独立个体都会迁升到力所不能及的职务 , 然后就呆在那儿了 。
The better you know the amount of ill luck that will strike you ,
the worse you know when this will happen
你越清楚厄运的危害 , 你越不知道它什么时候降临 。
Your best golf shots always occur when playing alone
你最好的分数一定是你一个人玩的时候得到的 。
He who angers you controls you , there-fore you have no control over your anger
都是那些让你愤怒的人控制你 , 所以你没法控制你的愤怒 。
No matter how hard you try , you cannot push a string
【桃李知新|什么是墨菲定律?】不管你怎么努力 , 你不能推一根绳子 。
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