坚小持微课|美文 | 选择比努力更重要!
北京联盟_本文原题:美文 | 选择比努力更重要!
It's your choice
It's your choice
If you have failed in the past at trying to make big changes in your life, try again now, one tiny step at a time. Every year it's the same. As December comes to an end, you think about the New Year and all the ways you want to improve your life. But as you start to write down your hopes for the New Year, you think about last year.
You excitedly wrote down all the changes you were going to make, but by the end of January those ideas got lost in your crowded life.
如果在过去的日子里 , 你曾寻求人生中的大改变却以失败告终 , 现在再尝试一次 , 每次只改变一小处 。 每年都是一样的 。 当十二月结束的时候 , 你考虑着新年的事情 , 自始至终你都想改变你的生活 。 当你开始写下新年愿望时 , 你思考着过去的一年 。 你兴奋地写下你将要做出的所有改变 , 但是一月末的时候那些想法却迷失在忙碌的生活里 。
Here's a suggestion:
Forget the overreaching, hard-to-achieve goals. Just think small. "We have this extreme-makeover culture that thinks you've got to do everything in big steps, even though the evidence is overwhelming that it doesn't work , "says psychologist Robert Maurer, who recently published One Small Step Can Change Your Life.
【坚小持微课|美文 | 选择比努力更重要!】"What we try to do is to break down to a step so small that people couldn't possibly resist or have any excuse not to do it."
这有一条建议:忘记不自量力的、很难实现的目标 , 考虑一些小目标就好了 。
最近刚出版了《小事改变人生》一书的心理学家罗伯特·莫伊雷尔说:“我们有这种彻底改变的文化思想 , 让你觉得就算不可能实现的证据是压倒性的 , 也必须要大步地去做每一件事 。 我们尝试做的就是把步伐减小到人们不会抵制 , 不会有借口去逃避 。 ”
The technique is called "kaizen" , a Japanese word for an American business philosophy adapted to change behavior and attitudes.
这项技术叫做kaizen , 一个日语单词 , 是用来改变人行为和态度的美国经营哲学 。
During World War II , American factory managers increased productivity by trying small, continuous improvements rather than sudden radical change. After the war, U.S. occupation forces brought that philosophy to a rebuilding Japan, which made it a cornerstone of the country's amazing economic rebound.
在二战期间 , 美国的工厂经理通过努力实现小的连续的提高而不是突然的很大的改变来增加了产量 。 战争后 , 美军把这门哲学带到了重建的日本 , 成为日本惊人的经济复兴的奠基石 。
The Japanese called it kaizen, which means "improvement". Maurer, who teaches at the UCLA and University of Washington medical schools, says he began studying whether the idea could help people who couldn't tackle big challenges. "Some of it is psychological, and some of it is just their overwhelmed lifestyles , " he says. "They don't have the time to go to the gym and do all those other things we know are good for them. So kaizen seemed a logical thing to experiment with."
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