玉在山而木润 , 玉韫石而山辉 ,
在鳞次栉比的灰色森林中 ,
我们将一块玉石藏在了某处 ,
如果你在城市的转角 , 遇到一抹温润清雅的玉色 ,
那是一场寻玉之旅的邀约 。
Design Thinking
中粮珑悦锦云位于天府之国成都市的新发展区域——龙潭寺板块 。 该板块发展成熟 , 楼盘较多 , 交通便利 。
Long Mansion is located in the Longtan Temple precinct in Chengdu, a new but developing accessible area surrounded by a number of residential communities.
示范区场地大部分区域下沉 , 售楼中心与地面最大高差约5米 。 如何突出差异化 , 利用场地的高差打造独特创新 , 让客户眼前一亮的展示空间是我们设计思考的重点 。
The project site is staged over various levels which transition from street level to the sunken sales center over 5m. The focus of our design was to create a landscape design that embraced the challenges posed by the level changes to create a beautiful setting.
项目整体风格定位为现代中式 , 景观设计延续了此基调 , 以在中国文化中意义非凡的“玉石”为设计灵感 , 将场地下沉空间喻为等待发现的玉石宝藏 , 利用人行到访流线由上至下的通达趋势 , 吸引访客步步深入 , 展开一场对空间的探索与寻觅 。 “识玉”、“探玉” , “赏玉”和“惜玉”四大节点有机组成了空间的整体结构 , 如同一篇遵守起承转合这一结构章法的优美诗文 , 使到访者参观示范区的历程成为一场自上而下的寻“玉”之旅 。
The modern, Chinese style landscape design centres around the story of “jade” which is of great significance in Chinese culture. The landscape design and architecture design transform the sunken spaces into a “jade treasure” waiting to be discovered. The pedestrian circulation from the upper to lower levels is designed to gradually guide visitors on an exploration tour, through which the space nodes, “recognizing the jade”, “exploring the jade”, “appreciating the jade” and “cherishing the jade” organically form the overall spatial structure.
Concept Realisation and Space Expression
Recognising the jade
寻玉之旅的起点位于十字路口的拐角 , 大面积的层叠水景层次丰富 , 以水声和水光的轻盈 , 衬托着醒目的精神堡垒 , 形成了引人注目的城市界面 。 水景上的四个玉环雕塑 , 在颇具仪式感的花乔栽植衬托下 , 各自朝向不同的方向 , 对四面八方的访客发出邀请 。
The major intersection to the sales centre is where the “jade discovery journey” starts. A highly visible signage tower locates the new district and a multi-tiered water feature creates an inviting city interface. The four jade ring sculptures set on the water feature face different directions, as if extending welcome to visitors from all sides.
探玉生自瑶台 , 偶因入尘埃
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