【恒星英语学习网】治愈系英文漫画:人的生活原来如此简单温暖( 二 )

他们还会跳慢舞呢 , 就是抱在一起慢慢摇摆 。
When a human hears something they think is funny, an involuntary repetitive sound comes from them called "laughter."
人类听到好玩的事情的时候 , 会情不自禁地发出一连串重复的声音 , 他们称之为“笑声” 。

They also can't help but spread their mouth and show their little blunt teeth when they like something, which is called "smiling."
他们内心欢心的时候 , 还会不由自主地扬起嘴角 , 露出小小的、钝钝的牙齿 , 他们管这叫“微笑” 。
Humans like human life so much, they spend many hours a week watching other humans act out pretend scenarios of human life on TV, in movies, and onstage.
人类特别喜欢自己的生活 , 他们每周都要花好多钟头看电视、电影还有舞台上其他人类表演他们的生活情节 。

They create human "characters," and people called "actors" pretend to do things as said characters. Humans become deeply attached to these characters.
他们创造了人类“角色” , 那些叫做“演员”的人来假装扮演这些“角色” 。 人类还会对这些角色产生强烈的感情呢 。
Humans created soft pads covered in cozy fabrics to sleep in at night, which they call "beds."
人类创造了柔软的垫子 , 上面盖着舒适的布料 , 晚上用来睡觉 , 他们管这叫“床” 。

Much like hamsters, humans love soft materials such as cotton and wool. They snuggle into what they call "blankets" for comfort and warmth.
好像仓鼠一样 , 人类喜爱像棉花和羊毛一样的柔软的东西 。 他们会蜷缩进叫“毯子”的东西里 , 舒舒服服 , 暖暖和和的 。
Humans love water, and gather around shores all over the world in warm weather to stare at it and swim a little ways in.
人类热爱水 , 在暖洋洋的天气 , 人类会聚集在世界各地的海边 , 就为了盯着水看 , 再到里面游一游 。

They also dig holes in their backyards and fill them with water to splash around in.
他们还会在自己的庭院里挖大洞 , 填满了水 , 在里面嬉戏 。
Even if it doesn't always seem like it, the majority of humans just want to make the world a better place for other humans.
【【恒星英语学习网】治愈系英文漫画:人的生活原来如此简单温暖】尽管并不总是如此 , 但大部分人类都想为了他人 , 把这个世界变得更美好 。

Research shows most humans are at least trying to do what they think will help everyone else. The news focuses on the bad eggs because they think it's more engaging. But truth is, humans are innately good, and that just makes them even cuter!
研究说 , 多数人都努力在做他们觉得能帮助别人的事情 。 新闻总是在讲坏蛋们 , 那是因为他们觉得坏消息更吸引人 。 但真相是 , 人类天生是善良的 , 所以显得他们更萌啦!
