飞凌嵌入式继NXP i.MX6Q开发板后,新品i.MX 8M Mini开发板强势来( 四 )

  I2CFour I2C modules:

  I2C provides serial interface for external devices. Data rates of up to 320 kbps are supported.

  eCSPIThree eCSPI modules:

  Full-duplex enhanced Synchronous Serial Interface, with data rate up to 52 Mbit/s. Configurable to support Master/Slave modes, four chip selects to support multiple peripherals.

  FlexSPIThe FlexSPI module acts as an interface to external serial flash devices. This module contains the following features:

   Flexible sequence engine to support various flash vendor devices

   Single pad/Dual pad/Quad pad mode of operation

   Single Data Rate/Double Data Rate mode of operation

   Parallel Flash mode

   DMA support

   Memory mapped read access to connected flash devices

   Multi master access with priority and flexible and configurable buffer for each master


  FETMX8MM-C核心板是一款适用于各行业的通用产品 , 例如:人脸识别、可视对讲、智慧灯杆、广告机、无人售货机、自助终端、示波器、高保真音频系统、边缘计算网关、医疗设备(如:血液分析仪、荧光免疫分析仪、生化分析仪、POCT等IVD仪器 , 监护仪、呼吸机、麻醉机、麻醉深度监测仪、除颤仪等生命信息类设备 , 喉镜、耳镜等内窥镜设备 , 便携彩超、手持彩超等影像设备)、手持式有害物检测、PDA手持终端 。

  随着各行各业都在朝着智能化、物联网化的迈进 , 我们相信FETMX8MM-C核心板会掀起新的应用浪潮 。 目前 , 飞凌嵌入式FETMX8MM-C核心板、OKMX8MM-C开发板已在线上正式发售 , 让我们对它拭目以待!
