只在电视上看用英语怎么说-?( 二 )

【只在电视上看用英语怎么说-?】 4、他四肢伸开正懒散地靠在扶手椅上看电视 。He was lying sprawled in an armchair, watching TV.
5、她天天靠看电视来解闷儿 。She watches television to relieve the monotony of everyday life.
6、说来奇怪,我不大喜欢看电视 。Strange to say, I dont really enjoy television.
7、别光坐着看电视—帮一下忙吧!Dont just sit watching television ─ make yourself useful!
8、他们天天在闲聊和看电视中消磨时光 。They idled the days away, talking and watching television.
9、看电视使他头脑麻木 。Watching television had a numbing effect on his mind.
10、大多数接受采访的人都喜欢看电视多于听收音机 。The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.
11、我们在晚上除了看电视不怎么干别的事 。We dont do much in the evenings except watch television.
Q6:watch television(TV)
英 [w?t? ?teli?vi??n]美 [wɑt? ?t?l??v???n]
[例句]他们很多时间都看电视了 。
They spent a great deal of time watching television.
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