look into意思 lookintomyeyes是什么意思( 二 )

警方正在调查这起珠宝抢劫案 。
3. 浏览(书刊等);快速查阅(书等):
He looked into several books to kill the time.
他游览了几本书以打发时间 。
4. 对…作短暂访问(或参观);顺便进…看一看:
He looked into the shop on the way.
在路上他顺便进商店看一看 。
Q6:look into是什么意思啊?1.朝…里面看,往…深处看 She likes to look into a mirror.她喜欢照镜子.We cannot see the minerals by looking into the water. 我们往水里看是看不到这些矿物质的.2.检查,调查The police are looking into the matter. 警察正在调查这件事.3.浏览We are looking into some magazines. 我们正在浏览一些杂志.Iusually look into a book before deciding whether to read it.我通常先浏览一遍再决定是否读这本书.
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