希望时光慢点走的唯美诗句?形容时间慢下来的诗句( 五 )

——伏尔泰 Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick, And think of you Turning in circles confusion-- Is nothing new Flashback to warm nights-- Almost left behind Suitcase of memories, Time after-- Sometimes you picture me-- I'm walking too far ahead You're calling to me, I can't hear What you have said-- And you say--go slow-- I've fall behind-- The second hand unwinds If you're lost you can look--and you will find me Time after time If you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting Time after time If you fall I will catch you--I will be waiting Time after time Time after time After your picture fades and darkness has Turned to gray Watching through windows--I'm wondering If you're OK You say--go slow-- I fall behind-- The drum beats out of time-- If you're lost you can look--and you will find me Time after time If you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting Time after time If you fall I will catch you--I will be waiting Time after time。
.. 上帝或许给我们不同的命运 , 但却给我们等速流逝的时间 。"燕子去了 , 有再来的时候 , 杨柳枯了 , 有再青的时候 , 桃花谢了 , 有再开的时候 , 而我们的日子一去不复返." 每个人都在自己天生的宿命与后天的努力中去品位时间 , 去铭刻岁月的痕迹 。
我 , 也许也包括你 , 都已在岁月的流逝中 , 被生活磨练得圆滑 。匆忙中 , 已不再有过多的感情在心底来来回回地反复歌唱 , 我们都已经愈变的成熟 , 我们的心已变得比我们的实际年龄还要老 。
可是生命中曾经的纯真永远不会老 , 她会在某一天 , 猝不及防地以年轻的面孔出现于我的梦 , 我的记忆 , 她会一遍一遍地提醒我过去的岁月中存留的某一点遗憾 , 这遗憾搓磨着我的心 , 让我有了一种想重新来过的渴望 。
只是过去的痛楚也要再重新来过吗?我不知道 。


