C/C++ 版本C/C++#include <IOStream>using namespace std;class BinaryHeap {public: BinaryHeap(int capacity); void insert(int x); int erase(int x); int findMax(); void printHeap(); bool isEmpty() { return heapSize == 0; } bool isFull() { return heapSize == capacity; } ~BinaryHeap() { delete[] heap; }private: void heapifyUp(int i); void heapifyDown(int i); int maxChild(int i); int parent(int i) { return (i - 1) / 2; } int kthChild(int i, int k) { return 2 * i + k; }private: int *heap; int heapSize; int capacity;};/** * This will initialize our heap with default size.*/BinaryHeap::BinaryHeap(int capacity) { this->heapSize = 0; this->capacity = capacity; this->heap = new int[capacity + 5];}/** * Inserts new element in to heap * Complexity: O(log N) * As worst case scenario, we need to traverse till the root */void BinaryHeap::insert(int x) { try { if (isFull()) throw -1; heap[heapSize] = x; heapSize ++; heapifyUp(heapSize - 1); return ; } catch (int e) { cout << "Heap is full, No space to insert new element" << endl; exit(-1); }}/** * Deletes element at index x * Complexity: O(log N) */int BinaryHeap::erase(int x) { try { if (isEmpty()) throw -1; int maxElement = heap[x]; heap[x] = heap[heapSize - 1]; heapSize--; heapifyDown(x); return maxElement; } catch (int e) { cout << "Heap is empty, No element to delete" << endl; exit(-1); }}/** * Maintains the heap property while inserting an element. */void BinaryHeap::heapifyUp(int i) { int insertValue = heap[i]; while (i > 0 && insertValue > heap[parent(i)]) { heap[i] = heap[parent(i)]; i = parent(i); } heap[i] = insertValue;}/** * Maintains the heap property while deleting an element. */void BinaryHeap::heapifyDown(int i) { int child; int temp = heap[i]; while (kthChild(i, 1) < heapSize) { child = maxChild(i); if (temp >= heap[child]) { break; } heap[i] = heap[child]; i = child; } heap[i] = temp;}int BinaryHeap::maxChild(int i) { int leftChild = kthChild(i, 1); int rightChild = kthChild(i, 2); return heap[leftChild] > heap[rightChild] ? leftChild : rightChild;}/** * This method returns the max element of the heap. * complexity: O(1) */int BinaryHeap::findMax() { try { if (isEmpty()) throw -1; return heap[0]; } catch (int e) { cout << "Heap is empty." << endl; exit(-1); }}/** * Prints all elements of the heap */void BinaryHeap::printHeap() { cout << "nHeap = "; for (int i = 0; i < heapSize; i++) cout << heap[i] << " "; cout << endl; return ;}int main() { BinaryHeap maxHeap(10); maxHeap.insert(10); maxHeap.insert(4); maxHeap.insert(9); maxHeap.insert(1); maxHeap.insert(7); maxHeap.insert(5); maxHeap.insert(3); maxHeap.printHeap(); maxHeap.erase(5); maxHeap.printHeap(); maxHeap.erase(2); maxHeap.printHeap(); return 0;}
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