?Coins in the collection market has always been a popular collection, although in the course of history, many ancient coins have lost their original circulation function, but more archaeological value, artistic value, appreciation value, collection value and other new functions. After a certain period of evolution, the number of coin lovers and coin collectors has also developed to a certain extent. It is these people's love and pursuit that the hot waves of ancient coin collection always hit us wave after wave.
Dragon is a kind of miraculous animal with scales and claws, which can make wind and rain. For thousands of years, as a symbol of the Chinese nation, the dragon has been worshipped by hundreds of millions of its descendants. The artistic image of the dragon has become an important theme of traditional decoration in China, and has left an immortal shape in many buildings and utensils since ancient times. This is one of the reasons why collectors love Qing silver coins.
【宣统三年大清银币】This Qing Dynasty silver coin "quxulong" in the third year of Xuantong period is well-known and complete, and the traces left by history can be seen clearly. The collection is exquisite, and its aesthetic style is unique. The integration of Manchu and Han culture is rarely seen on the front of the coin, while the back of the coin clearly indicates the intervention of western culture. Although the coin is small, it can also have a glimpse of social culture. It has a high investment value and collection value because of its deep pulp, natural maturity, clear typing mouth, obvious circulation trace, clear edge teeth and clear dragon scales. It is a revolutionary cultural relic with high value and far-reaching historical significance. At the same time, it is also a rare object for Archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture.
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