陈曾寿《蝶恋花》( 二 )

《竹石》Bamboo Rooted in the Rock
《临江仙 · 牙痛》Toothache—To the Tune of Riverside Fairy
《琵琶仙 · 海上大风雨》Storm over the Sea—To the Tune of A Fairy Pipa Player
《咏镜》Ode to the Mirror
《石灰吟》Ode to Limestone
《马诗》The Steed
《江城子·妻子昏迷同值守》Attending My Wife While She Was in a Coma
《清平乐》Pure Peace Tune
《十五夜望月》Looking at the Moon at Mid-Autumn Day
《偶成》Composed Accidentally
《江南第一燕》The First Swallow of South Land
《月》The Crescent
《蒲公庵》Lord Pu’s Cottage
《听雨》Listening to the Rain
《无题》 Untitled (No. 1)
《江南春》Spring South of the River
《浪淘沙》 Sand Washing Waves (No. 1)
《感怀二十首》(其十九)Reflections, Twenty Poems (No. 19)
《星洲旅次有梦而作》Composed After a Dream on My Trip to Singapore
《樱花落》Cherry Blossoms Fallen
