我还是很讨厌你 , 就像邻居吃了花椒 , 麻了隔壁 。
I still hate you very much, just like the neighbor ate the pepper and numb the next door.
There are two words in life that can open many doors for you: "pull" and "push"
我是文明人 , 所有脏话都已经用唾液消毒了 。
I am a civilized person, and all swear words have been disinfected with saliva.
大家好我是小王 , 现在认我做爹 , 你就是小王子 。
Hello everyone, I am Xiao Wang, now you recognize me as your father, you are the Little Prince.
老师:为什么我还能听到有人讲话?学生:因为你有耳朵 。
Teacher: Why can I still hear someone speaking? Student: Because you have ears.
年轻的时候一定要敢于做梦 , 毕竟年纪大了很容易睡不着 。
When you are young, you must dare to dream, after all, it is easy to fall asleep when you are old.
我们真是太有缘分 , 连手机上的时间都是一样的 , 我们该不会是要恋爱吧 。
We are so fate, even the time on the mobile phone is the same, we should not be in love.
你要是不开心 , 我可以吐泡泡给你看 , 不过要等我喝完这一升沐浴露 。
If you are unhappy, I can spit bubbles to show you, but I have to wait until I finish drinking this liter of shower gel.
别人都是宝藏女孩 , 而我不一样 , 我是吃得又饱又胀的饱胀女孩 。
Others are treasure girls, but I am different, I am a full girl who eats full and full.
有很多人误会我说打游戏一直不回消息 , 我要澄清一下 , 我是看到了也不回 。
Many people have misunderstood me saying that I have never responded to the news when I play games. I want to clarify that I will never respond when I see it.
大家好 , 我是小有名气的美女 , 小到什么程度呢?只有我知道 。
Hello everyone, I am a small well-known beauty, how small is it? Only I know.
好看就是好看 , 难看就是难看 , 你说我好难看是什么意思?
Good-looking is good-looking, ugly is ugly, what do you mean when I am so ugly?
跑800米的技巧 , 前100米靠冲 , 后700米靠骂人 。
To run 800 meters, the first 100 meters rely on rushing, and the last 700 meters by cursing.
我刚扇了我的钱包一巴掌 , 没什么 , 就是希望它能肿起来 。
I just slapped my wallet, nothing, just hope it will swell up.
朋友圈都在打工 , 我不明白我们工人做错了什么 , 要打我们 。
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