People of Similar Natures and Emotions Will Have Similar Understanding
即“人同此心 , 心同此理”的简称 。 由南宋心学大家陆九渊(1139—1193)提出 。 陆王心学认为 , 人内在的心灵与外在的宇宙具有同等价值 , 真理是超越时空的 , 心和道是全人类共同的 。 只要是人 , 无论是古今东西 , 都会有同一的价值观念、同一的真理和道德认知 , 而人类认同的基础就在于此 。 明末清初之后 , 随着中西文化之间的大规模交流 , 心同理同这一观念被用来理解东西方学术文化上的共通与差异 , 认为西方舶来的异域新知虽然在形式上与中国既有的知识体系有差异 , 但根本思想是可以会通的 。
The term, a shortened version of ren tong ci xin, xin tong ci li (人同此心 , 心同此理), was first proposed by Lu Jiuyuan (1139-1193). Xinxue (心学), the Neo-Confucian philosophy of Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming (1472-1529) , teaches that the innate knowledge of the human mind and the principles of the universe are in liaison, that truth transcends time and space, that the mind and the Dao are universal for all mankind. All human beings, past and present, east or west, have a common innate knowing of truth and morality, and this is the basis for a common human identity. As Western and Chinese cultures came into increasing contact after the Ming and Qing dynasties, this expression was an attempt to explain that, even though East and West differed in their academic cultures and much of the new knowledge differed in form from Chinese epistemology, their fundamental thinking could be reconciled.
千百世之上 , 有圣人出焉 , 此心同也 , 此理同也;千百世之下 , 有圣人出焉 , 此心同也 , 此理同也 。 (杨简《象山先生行状》) (千百代之前 , 世上有圣人出现 , 他的心和理与我们现在是一样的;千百代之后 , 有圣人出现 , 那他的心和理与我们现在也是一样的 。 )
Ages ago, the sage’s mind and reasoning were the same as ours today; generations later, the sage’s mind and reasoning will be the same as ours today. (Yang Jian: Short Biographyof Mr. Xiangshan)
且智慧既开以后 , 心理同而后起胜 , 自亦必有冥合古法之处 , 且必有轶过前人之处 。 (张之洞《劝学篇·会通》) (况且智慧开启之后 , 天下之人人同此心 , 心同此理 , 而后兴起的要占优势 , 也肯定有暗合古法的地方 , 并且肯定有超越前人之处 。 )
When they begin to gain wisdom, people with similar natures and emotions will have similar understanding. Later knowledge will not only reflect the past, but will certainly also surpass it. (ZhangZhidong: Exhortation to Study)
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