INTJs motherThe INTJ mother wants to help their child be independent and strong on their own.While there are some parents who hover far too much and create children who cannot fend for themselves, the INTJ mom will not do that. She often plays a very active role in her children\u0026#39;s lives, but she wants to make sure to teach rather than smother. The INTJ mother works to help her children understand themselves and come to terms with their own desires.She is also a realist,so the INTJ mother won\u0026#39;t give their child a false idea of how the world works.She will work to inspire her children,and certainly will be their biggest supporter-but she will also show them how to go about accomplishing their goals. Some people see INTJs as cold,but can be rather caring and loving parents.They are often different with the people they love, and can be very giving and patient.INTJs can be rather sweet towards those closest to them,this is simply a side to them only the special few get to see.As mothers they are often patient and understanding,and don\u0026#39;t want to do anything harmful towards their children. When their children are struggling the INTJ will do whatever they can to guide them,and help them with all of the information they need to make the right choice.While INTJs might not be the type to always go easy on their children,everything they do is for the well-being of the child.They realize that sometimes being a good parent means doing the harder thing. Instead of always trying to be their child\u0026#39;s best friend. They want and open and communicative relationship with their children,they simply don\u0026#39;t need to always be on their good side.They find it more valuable to do what is best for the well-being of each kid,even if it makes them less popular.
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