如果是海商法 那就去 南安普顿。如果是海上保险法 就去 诺丁汉吧。为什么诺丁汉呢,我来给您看看海上保险法的course leader吧。。Howard Bennett\u0026#39;s research and teaching interests lie in shipping and maritime law, insurance law (with a particular interest in marine insurance law), the law of international trade finance, general contract law, personal property law, and the law of agency. He is the author of The Law of Marine Insurance (2nd edition 2006), Principles of the Law of Agency (2013) and co-editor of and contributor to Vulnerable Transactions in Corporate Insolvency (2003). He is a member of the authorial teams of Benjamin\u0026#39;s Sale of Goods (8th ed, 2010), with responsibility for the chapters relating to international trade finance, and Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading (22nd edition, 2011). He has contributed essays to collections on marine insurance law, charterparties, and personal property law, and is the author of several articles in leading journals. He is a member of the editorial board of the Lloyd\u0026#39;s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly. He is currently involved in a new practitioner treatise on charter parties。。Benjamin\u0026#39;s sales of goods, Scrutton on CP and BL, 是海商法的殿堂级书籍,同时 Marine Insurance Law 这本书,是做research和考试的好助手。。
不要看排名真的 请看课程设置 教师资源 学术成就!
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