NBA Kevin Durant tests positive for coronavirus
NEW YORK - Brooklyn Nets forward Kevin Durant has tested positive for coronavirus the Athletic reported on Tuesday less than a week after the global outbreak prompted the suspension of the NBA season.
纽约-布鲁克林网队前锋凯文杜兰特的冠状病毒检测呈阳性 , 杜兰特在周二时候自称患上新型冠状病毒 , 这是在全球爆发导致NBA赛季停摆不到一周后 。
\"Everyone be careful take care of yourself and quarantine. We're going to get through this\" 10-time NBA All-Star Durant was quoted as saying.
“大家要小心 , 保重身体 , 隔离检疫 。 “我们会挺过去的 , ”10次NBA全明星杜兰特说 。
The Nets had said earlier on Tuesday that four of its players were isolated and under the care of team physicians after testing positive for coronavirus but did not identify the individuals.
网队周二早些时候曾表示 , 他们的四名球员在检测出冠状病毒阳性后被隔离 , 并接受队医的护理 , 但没有确认他们的身份 。
Durant signed with the Nets last summer but has been sidelined by an Achilles injury sustained during last season's NBA Finals when he was playing for the Golden State Warriors.
杜兰特去年夏天与网队签约 , 但在上赛季的NBA总决赛中 , 他在为金州勇士队效力时 , 由于跟腱受伤而缺席了比赛 。
\"The organization is currently notifying anyone who has had known contact with the players including recent opponents and is working closely with state and local health authorities on reporting\" the team said.
球队表示:“目前 , 该组织正在通知任何已知与球员有过接触的人 , 包括最近的对手 , 并正与州和地方卫生部门密切合作进行举报 。 ” 。
\"All players and members of the Nets travel party are being asked to remain isolated closely monitor their health and maintain constant communication with team medical staff.\"
“网队旅行队的所有球员和成员都被要求保持隔离 , 密切监测他们的健康状况 , 并与队医保持不断的沟通 。 ”
Three of the players were asymptomatic while one was showing symptoms of the rapidly-spreading virus days after the Utah Jazz reported that two of its players had tested positive for coronavirus.
其中三名球员没有症状 , 而其中一名在犹他爵士队报告其两名球员的冠状病毒检测呈阳性数天后出现病毒迅速传播的症状 。
The Nets last played against the Lakers in Los Angeles on March 10. A day later the league suspended its season until further notice as the coronavirus pandemic hit major sporting events across the globe.
【「凯文·杜兰特」凯文杜兰特的冠状病毒检测呈阳性】网队最后一次与湖人队的比赛是在3月10日 。 一天后 , 由于冠状病毒大流行袭击了全球各大体育赛事 , 联盟暂停了本赛季的比赛 , 直到另行通知 。
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